Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I've been tagged!

A-ATTACHED OR SINGLE? Attached to Ian but kind of single (alone at home)right now while is in Colorado
B-BEST FRIEND? Other than Ian, hmmm....I consider all of my friends and family to be a best friend
C-CAKE OR PIE? All sugar tastes sooooo good, so both!
D-DAY OF CHOICE? Saturdays-I don't have to work and can do whatever I want
E-ESSENTIAL ITEMS? Toilet Paper? (and food and sleep)
F-FAVORITE COLOR? Greens, brown, and teal
G-GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? definitely worms
I-INDULGENCE? basically any kind of dessert
J-JANUARY OR JULY? January cause it is my birthday, but I also really like July
K-KIDS? Someday! (hopefully sooner than later!-hint hint Ian)
L-LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT.....Ian, my family and my friendships with others
M-MARRIAGE DATE? December 29, 2005 (don't ask me why I chose THAT time of year)
N-NUMBER OF SIBLINGS? 4 sisters, 5 brothers (3 are in-laws)
P-PHOBIAS OR FEARS? getting in a car accident on the freeway, bullet bikes, and guns
Q-QUOTE? "You can only do so much" (I came up with that by myself and have used it as my motto the past year or so-I appreciate it)
R-REASON TO SMILE? I have a lot to smile about! T00 many to list.
S-SUPERMAN OR WONDER WOMAN? I am not too fond of superheroes, so I don't know
T-TAG 5 PEOPLE? Beeka, Sonia, Katie, Kalli, and Heather
U-UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I am missing a tooth!(bottom middle ...it never grew in!)
V-VEGETABLES? cucumbers, tomatoes, zuchinni, carrots, brocoli, cauliflower, peas, and corn
W-WORST HABIT? Oh man, I gossip a lot! -it's a total weakness:(
X-X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? Well, I have only had an x-ray, so I guess that for now!
Y-YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? EVERYTHING!!! But especially sugar and meat! I am a carnivore!
Z-ZODIAC SIGN? Capricorn

1 comment:

Meredith said...


You know, the whole gladiator thing did start that night we were at your house for games!! (thanks a lot! jk) :)