Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Decisions: I feel that there have been so many decisions to make lately(part of getting older I guess). Ian has his "life plan" for the next few months or so figured out and I WISH I could say the same! Life is crazy right now!
Decision #1:School
I was trying to decide whether or not I should go to summer school. I was a little frustrated because I had heard that there was some scholarships and tuition waivers I could apply for, so I went to look at them, and found that I missed the deadline by 1 week....and not just the deadline for Summer and Fall, but also for Spring(because they reward students for the entire year)! I was already debating whether or not to go, and I was hoping that would be a deciding factor-if the school would pay for it, I would certainly go. Anyway, I kept debating back and forth whether or not to go or not to go. It would give me something to do while Ian is in Colorado, would help me get done with my degree sooner, etc., but couldn't decide if I wanted to get ripped off only taking 2 classes, and this summer is going to be a busy one (getting ready for girl's camp) not to mention that finals are the week of Girl's Camp! Well, I think I have made my decision and have enrolled myself in a Managerial Accounting Class and a Computer Information Systems class. Now I just have to hope my teachers are really nice and flexible and will work with me when it comes time to take finals! I have a few more weeks before I can drop the classes and get all of my money back-we'll see what happens!

Decision #2: Work
I will be honest in telling you I have been offered a couple of jobs(I hope I don't jinx myself again!), and am still in the process of deciding whether or not to take them. It would mean quitting where I am at now, which could be a good and/or a bad thing. I am ready to try something new, but I am also scared of taking that risk in ending up somewhere and not liking it. We'll see what happens!

Decision #3: Housing
We're kind of looking for houses, so we'll see what happens with that. It's been interesting trying to decide what we want to do as far as that goes....we like renting and where we are at, but we'd also like to own something, especially since the housing market has become the way it has.

Other Decisions: We've made up our minds that it is time to sell our "extra"cars, but have had a hard time deciding what to ask for them. We want to sell them for a good price and maybe make money if we can, yet are to the point we just want them gone, so that has been an interesting thing. I also get to deal with SO many decisions as far as Girl's Camp goes being the director-when to have meetings, who to assign what, where to have activties beforehand, who I need to call for all sorts of reasons, etc. etc. etc. and it's only going to get more crazy, the closer it gets!

I realize that decisions are so important, and what is even more important is making sure you make the RIGHT one. It's been really hard for me to know what the right or best decisions are, but I think that is where faith comes into play. I keep thinking of the talk from conference last October given by Elder Oaks entitled "Good, Better, Best" (http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-775-38,00.html) and how all of these decisions may be good, or better, but are they the best? All I want to do is what is best!


Jules P Hansen said...

I know that what ever decisions you make will be the "right" ones because you have such great faith and sense to try and make the right decisions. I will be so sad if you get a new job and leave me before I can find one too but I hope you find a GREAT one!

The Seamons Family said...

I agree with you decisions are hard to make. Good luck with them. You can do it!

Laura said...

Good luck with all the decisions! I HATE making decisions. Gavin and I are both so indecisive that it makes life hard sometimes for us. Just pray and let Heavenly Father help you make the decisions! :)