Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I had a bad experience last night.

Last night, when Ian and I were finally done with everything for the day/night, we both decided we were hungry and wanted to eat. (Imagine that!) He went to the fridge and decided to eat some salad with ranch. I decided I wanted to eat something somewhat healthy too because of the time of night. I decided that since he already had the ranch out, I would eat some raw broccoli with ranch.

Ian started eating, and I stole the ranch from him, so I could smother each piece of broccoli in it before consuming it. I ate my first, second, third, and fourth piece, and with each one I thought---something doesn't taste quite right, but continued eating more and more. I figured it was probably just my taste buds being crazy. Maybe I was just imaging weird tastes? Ian hadn't said anything, so surely it was just me.

Well, Ian finished his salad and said, " That ranch tasted weird." At that point I knew exactly what happened! And I immediately wanted to throw up.
I opened the fridge to confirm what had happened and sure enough found the NEW bottle of ranch, still sitting in it's spot I had put it the day before. Ian got the ranch from the door----oh no! I had been meaning to throw out for a LONG time, but never got myself to do it because it was a brand new bottle, used once, and the frugal side of me wouldn't allow for me to waste yet another expensive item. Somehow it got moved from our apartment to the house, and made it into our fridge now.

I knew it was old (since it'd been brought with us from our apartment) but I decided to check the expiration date in hopes that it wasn't AS bad I thought----and it wasn', it was worse. MUCH WORSE!!!

The expiration date read 01/08/2008!

And because of this experience.....I am banning ranch dressing for a good amount of time. Also, I immediately went to the fridge and got rid of everything that I hadn't bought in the past week. Lesson learned: it's good to be frugal, but if something is OLD, go ahead and THROW IT AWAY! It will be OKAY! It's better to waste a few dollars, then to eat ranch dressing over two years old!


Katie said...

yeah, that's probably a good idea. Did either of you get sick? I had to laugh (out of disgust of course :) ) when I saw the date. :)

Meredith said...

HA! That's disgusting! We had a similar experience with milk this week... no good!

Laura said...

That IS yucky! :) Yes, I go through spurts of just throwing everything away out of the fridge. Gotta get rid of the rainbow leftovers! :)

kallina said...

Ohhhh yuck!! that is totally nasty!!! I know the feeling though, I have a hard time throwing stuff away too. I drank some almond milk a while back that had been in the fridge forever and got food poisoning....lesson learned!