Friday, July 10, 2009

Less than 1 week to go!

I am not counting down the time until Ian gets home or anything! :)

This week I was REALLY tired ALL week, but I got through it and was pretty productive! I had fun getting a Mary Kay facial, watching the Bachelorette and eating dinner with some friends, tried a new place for dinner at a REALLY YUMMY and HEALTHY place (called U Food Grill) as well as got a pedicure with my friend Jess, went running with Janae, watched a movie and mowed the lawn and washed my car (all in one day!), went running with Jana, took my niece Marissa, nephew Jordan, and brother Jacob on a little hike, hung out with my dad (who was really nice and made me dinner), went with my sister to her enlightening enrichment activity, helped clean the toilets at the Draper temple, went for a longer run Saturday, picked my mom up from the aiport (she just got back from Hawaii... I wish I could've gone to see my new nephew too!) went shopping, went to the Draper Days Rodeo, taught primary, and took two really nice (and needed) naps!

This week was a good week!

The only thing I had to deal with this week---as it almost came in my house!

Jacob helped me a lot with the kids---I was happy he came!

Jordan and Marissa did a really good job on their FIRST hike!

We were all THRILLED and looking forward to go down the mountain -can't you tell?
Dad doing his thing at the rodeo
Grammy explaining one of the events to Jordan
The cute kitty and not so cute me! At least this kitty likes me---our cat is currently mad at me for some reason. I think he just misses Ian.


kallina said...

Hey you've been a busy girl, that sounds like a fun week! haha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that watches the Bachelorette! I'm seriously thinking about starting an anti-Wes's band blog :).

Unknown said...

wow you almost sound like claire, but you never complained about anything.

Laura said...

Looks like another way busy week! Jacob told me he had fun on the hike - that was nice of you to take Jordan and Marissa too! He said Marissa needed some extra help (not surprisingly -- parts of that trail are pretty steep!) And I'm so jealous of the rodeo -- that is something I REALLY miss (besides you and the rest of the family...) Hope your last week went good!