Sunday, September 28, 2008


It all started the day the cat came meowing to the window.
A couple of weeks ago, I was home for lunch with Ian. Outside we heard some meowing and then cat fighting. The next thing we knew, there was more meowing,getting louder and closer. We opened our blinds to find this. This is "Tom" the other cat who was in the fight....(or the rapist)

We thought the cat might be hurt (or getting raped:[) so we let him in. The cat LOVED the house and immediately started to rub on EVERYTHING!!! Ian's bike, Ian, Me, our table, our carpet, our couch. He was definitely not afraid to make himself comfortable and at home.

Time has passed and we are not so sure what to do with Cleveland. We did name him, and are really wanting to "adopt" him. We are thinking that he was abandoned. So for that reason and because he is such a good, nice, friendly, beautiful cat (and we really love him) we want to keep him.
We are still trying to figure out how it will happen since we are not allowed to have animals in our house. I guess it is more motivation to find and BUY our own home!


Laura said...

I like his name! He is really cute!! Welcome to the pet-owner world. There are definately pros and cons. I LOL when you talked about him being "raped". It's sad-- but I just pictured you saying it, and it made me laugh for some reason. :) Hope all is well for you!!!

Jules P Hansen said...

Yay! You finally have a cat! I am excited for you. How are you, k I am really going to call you tonight and I hope you answer cause we so need to talk.

kallina said...

what a pretty cat! hahaha oh man, you make me laugh. we need to do some crafting asap!

Alison said...

A male cat the victim of rape? Yes, males can be victims too but generally isn't it the female cat that makes all the noises in the "cat fight"? We had the window open last night and got woken up by a "cat fight" in the neighborhood. I said something similar in the morning, poor kitty. So why'd you name the poor little cutie Cleveland? He'll be your first "child" like Tink sorta is to us.