Sunday, October 4, 2009

WORST blogger ever!

That's me. I have officially given myself the title of WORST blogger ever! It's now been OVER a month, and no updates on the blog. I do have a list of excuses as to why this has happened.

They include, but are not limited to homework (yes school started for both myself and Ian), teaching Ian accounting (Because I like accounting A LOT, and Ian decided to take this class online,I have taken it upon myself to be his "real life" teacher, so he can understand it), working a lot (I do enjoy earning money to spend!), spending quality time with family (Katie, Chris and their boys came to visit for a few weeks, hence many get togethers), trying to go running to stay in somewhat of good shape (thanks to my new running partner and friend Jocelyn who makes me stay motivated!), making sure Ian doesn't fall from trees (Ian has been helping a few friends tear down/out some unwanted trees in their yards), preparing primary lessons(I still teach the 4 turning five year olds, and recently our ward split so I also now teach the 5 turning 6 year olds...they are so cute and fun!) shopping (everybody needs a new fall wardrobe....or at least a shirt or so), getting ready for enrichment night activities (we had another quarterly activity, which turned out nicely), not having the internet handy(don't feel like paying $30+ a month...yes, we are cheap!), going out of town(my work sent me to BOISE IDAHO to do some much needed inventory control---I know you are all VERY jealous!), being excited about new babies in the family(my sister Laura had her second baby, a boy named Dallas, he is SOOO cute, and my oldest sister Bethann will be having her third baby in a couple of weeks (or less)I was also excited to meet Ryan, my sister Katie's baby boy, who is so cute!) , crafting (it's been awhile since I have done a craft, but thankfully my sister invited me to her ward's super Saturday, where I made some fun wood decorations, a FHE board, and a couple of necklaces!) being supportive to my "quitter" husband (this is NOT how I view Ian, just so you know. Ian has been training to run the WASATCH 100 (yes, they run 100 miles) but due to health issues, Ian had to stop and drop out of the race after 53 miles! I still think that he still accomplished an AMAZING thing, and I was thankful to be able to pace him/walk with him, during his last 13.5ish miles) partying a lot(it seems like we've gone to quite a few birthday celebrations this month---good time of year to be born I guess) eating lots of good food with friends (Ken and Cheryl have invited us over and out to eat. We ALWAYS enjoy food!) taking care of our "baby"(the cat), being spiritually fed(I LOVE General Conference!)..etc. etc. etc.

So, in case you were wondering, that is pretty much what I/we have been up to this past month plus a week.


Laura said...

You HAVE been WAY WAY busy! I liked this post! Good way to tell us what you've been up to! :)

Laura said...

Oh -- and WAY AWESOME JOB Ian -- I can't even imagine running that far. You are amazing.

Meredith said...

I was wondering if you were still alive! Sounds like you've been busy! So, we need to do dinner or something again. That was a good time. :)

Unknown said...

well thats reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel niceee

kallina said...

We forgive you! now go and post some pictures ;)