Monday, May 24, 2010

Other changes taking place around our house

When we first looked at our house, we didn't care much for a yard. Less maintenance right? Well, now that we've lived here for a bit, we still don't care much for a high maintenance yard or anything, but the cement EVERYWHERE is just not quite cutting it. We thought it would be nice to have SOMETHING other then, Ian decided to start a little (BIG) project.
Thanks to our dads and their help (and equipment) our yard is coming along nicely and they(Ian and our dad's) have been able to do a little of this:

Re-arranging some HUGE rocks to form a new rock wall (one that will keep the neighbors dogs away! :))Filling it in and leveling with some dirt. I didn't get any "Before" pictures, but right after our patio, there was a vinyl fence, and then it dropped down into a hill.

Almost done! The first and second tiers will have grass, the bottom one will be home to a car or the water toys.

Yay---another patch of grass!

And one last thing...just as a reminder to mother nature---it is May 24th, and remember it usually is sunny and warm this time of year? NOT SNOWING!!!


Laura said...

Wow! It looks great! Good job! I bet it's wonderful living so close to both fathers... :)
What a great change.

Charity Wheeler said...

oh wow I can't wait to see the finished product!
how long have y'all been working on this?

Meredith said...

Wowza, that is quite the project!! It looks good though!

I AGREE- WE NEED TO GET TOGETHER!!! And a get together this summer would be SO MUCH FUN!! Yay!!!

Katie said...

Wow! That's quite the project! We're excited to see it in a few months. So nice to have help too. Great Job Ian, Dad and Ted (& whoever else helped)! How exciting!

Becca Bingham said...

That is quite a task to take on, but it looks like it is turning out good!