Sunday, January 24, 2010

2010... so far

Wow---its almost been an entire month of the new year and no posts yet---this is exactly why I don't make new year's resolutions--they never get met. Alright, so where do I start? I will start with day 1.

I had my own mini celebration during the day on New Year's eve--I got to leave work a little bit early, got my car back with a new tire, and got my stitches o
ut from getting my moles removed (and thank goodness all three moles were benign--what a relief!) We celebrated the New Year's eve with Neil and Charity playing games and then lighting fireworks at midnight. The rest of New Year's day, Ian and I spent together---not at work (which was a wonderful break) and then later on celebrated with family, food, and fun. At my parent's we ate salmon and french onion soup (yummy!). Dinner was amazing thanks to my mom! We also played games with Laura and Gavin one last time before they headed back to CA.


Weekends are always nice....not sure what went on that weekend, but I am sure it was good stuff! It probably consisted of figuring out things for our house, shoveling snow off our steps and driveway, meeting new people at church, etc...

I spent two days at work, both of which were EXTREMELY busy, crazy, and somewhat chaotic (which has now turned into our usual) but I knew as soon as I left work on Tuesday, I would be somewhat "free" the rest of the week.

I spent
these days traveling to, being in, and traveling from Warsaw, Indiana! What's there you might ask---well it's famous for being THE Orthopedic Capital of the World. Our corporate plant and offices are there, and they had a nice meeting for office/operations managers. I actually had a lot of fun out there, going to nice dinners, meeting people I work with (who up to that point I had only talked to on the phone), hanging out until all hours of the night with the other distributorships managers, seeing the manufacturing side of the business (it's pretty crazy stuff!) feeling right at home with the HUGE snowstorm they had, feeling proud of myself for traveling all by myself and not getting lost (except for once---thanks to the GPS) and of course learning some new things and gaining great insight to better our business' day to day tasks.

My 25th birthday! That's right---I am now a quarter of a century old. Ian took me shopping to all my favorite stores (which was a nice gift within itself---as he is not very fond of any of them) and bought me some nice presents that I chose out. He also took me to lunch to the Macaroni Grill---I had been CRAVING their penne rustica. We spent the rest of the day together relaxing---I couldn't have asked for more!


We pretty much woke up late, went to church (at the beginning of the year we switched to the 1:00 schedule which is not our most favorite) and then to my parent's for my birthday dinner----we all loved the french onion soup we had on New Year's so much that my mom made it again, along with some really good chicken and salad! Oh yeah, and my favorite birthday cake! We then went to Ian's parents for some cake(s) *Judy made me two this year! Yum* and some good times with friends.


This week school started again. Ian is finishing up his last semester! We are both VERY excited about that! And I am taking my last class available at SLCC---which has some pros and cons. This week was also very busy as Ian's been working for TNT again, and my work is just INSANE!
On Friday of this week, I decided to have a get together with my old group of friends at our house.
Everybody was able to come! It was really fun to see them all again and to catch up! I decided we need to get together more often---I miss them!

Ian and I both got new callings in our ward---can you guess what they are? Yep---Ian is in the Young Men's, serving as secretary and I am a primary teacher---teaching the cute little sunbeams! I lOVE primary!


Snow, work, the Bachelor, school, taco Tuesday, Biggest Loser, snow, work, dentist visit (first one in YEARS-but SHOCKINGLY NO CAVITIES!!!) visiting and home teaching, work, school, more work, and more school.
Oh yeah, and we FINALLY got a washing machine and
dryer on Friday. Ian found an AMAZING deal. And Saturday (last night) we went to the Jazz game, thanks to my boss Brett. And guess what---the Jazz actually won! Yes, they played the Nets, but still--they WON! Ian and I have never been to a game that the Jazz have won---so we decided to celebrate by stopping at McDonald's and taking advantage of the free big macs McDonald's gives with your ticket when the Jazz win.

Well, that is our new year so far folks....thanks for tuning in. Hope you are all having a wonderful 2010! (does anyone else still find it so wierd to type/write that?)


Unknown said...

well you left a real nice blog, good work

Meredith said...

HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY!! :)

Katie said...

It looks like it's been a good month! :) You motivated me to update my blog too. Thanks!

Laura said...

Yes, I realize I didn't call you on your b-day... I remembered that day, forgot again, then remembered every day after for a while. Now reading this reminded me again -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SISTER! :) Sorry I'm so lame and can't remember to call... So dumb. Wow, 25 seems old, huh? I can't believe I'll be 27 too soon! Where does time go?!?!