Monday, April 7, 2008

Conference Weekend

WEll, this weekend went by waaaay too fast (like they always do)! I always love Conference weekend though, so it was a really good weekend because of that! It is nice to have an excuse to be lazy and to sit on the couch all day for 2 days, but mainly because I love hearing the Prophet and apostles speak, and the spirit that is always felt when truth is being testified of. Saturday morning I listened to Conference while I painted 2 rooms at my neighbor's new house! I did a few errands in between, then Ian and I watched the afternoon session. My mom and sister, Bethann, and I went out to dinner and did some shopping while the men were at the Priesthood session. We had fun! I bought some random new "projects" to work on, even though it is the type of stuff I shouldn't buy until I have a HOUSE! But, nevertheless, spending money (on fun stuff)always seems to be fun for me.
Anyway, Sunday morning, Ian and I went with my parents downtown to the Conference Center to go to conference. My mom gets tickets from her aunt and uncle (who is a member of the second quroum of the seventy) so because of them we are able to go! That was really fun! Afterwards, we went to Chandler Circle to see my Grandmother's old house...which was a trip down memory lane. I think the last time I was there, I was about 5 years old! Sunday afternoon was spent at our apartment, on the couch, in comfy clothes watching the last session. That was my weekend!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend! I missed not going to dinner with the girls this time. :(
I loved conference. It was so so good. A lot of things that I needed to hear. It was weird because it starts 1 hour earlier here (for the time change), so that kind of threw me off... :)